
We administer course evaluations for academic units on campus. Evaluations are used to improve the quality 和 effectiveness of instructional activity at the University.

The vendor that is used to administer course evaluations is EvaluationKIT. EvaluationKIT works with Canvas to allow access to course evaluations for students in Canvas, 和 for course evaluation results to be accessed by faculty through Canvas.

For questions about course evaluations, please contact:


Evaluation responses are completely anonymous. 没有个人身份信息, 例如姓名或学生证, is connected to the feedback students submit.


  • 完成评估


    1. 登录到 MyDU.
    2. 点击课程选项卡.
    3. 点击我的课程下面的“转到画布”.
    4. Once in Canvas, select one of your courses.
    5. On the channel on the left side, you will see a link to Student 课程评价. Selecting this link will bring you in to a home page that will allow you to see all the course evaluations you have to complete.
  • 通知

    You will receive an email with instructions once the evaluation period opens 和 periodic reminder emails until they complete all their evaluations or the evaluation period closes. You will also receive reminder notifications about your course evaluations within Canvas.

  • 使用反应量表

    Please pay close attention to the order of options in the response scale when completing evaluations. Levels of agreement are ordered from low to high starting on the left. 

    1 2 3 4 5 6
    强烈反对 不同意 不同意多于同意 同意多于反对 同意 强烈同意


  • 访问系统

    Ten days before the start of course evaluations, you will receive an email indicating which of your courses will be evaluated. This email will also provide you with instructions for how to add additional questions to your course evaluations if you would like to do so. This email will provide you a link into the EvaluationKIT system. You can also access the evaluations directly by logging in to Canvas, 选择一门课程, 和 then selecting Student 课程评价 on the left side (see the red box in the picture below). This will bring you in to the EvaluationKIT system.

  • 添加评估问题

    You can add up to two questions to the evaluation template for your academic unit. You can add questions starting 10 days before the course evaluations open up until
    the night before the course evaluations open. For detailed instructions on adding additional questions, please 点击这里.

    For a video walk through of adding additional questions, please 点击这里:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eNdR-1QkXo

    If you have questions or need help adding additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact institutionalresearch@chertok-film.com or (303) 871-7556. We know this process can be a bit confusing, especially the first time you do it.

  • 跟踪回应率

    You can track response rates to your evaluations throughout the evaluation period. To maintain confidentiality, instructors may not see the identities of individual respondents.

    You will receive emails with your current response rate while the course evaluations are open. You may also log in to EvaluationKIT directly to track your response rate once the evaluation is open. The response rate tracker is in the top right corner.

    Screenshot of the response rate tracker
  • 查看评价结果

    You will receive an email that will provide you with instructions for accessing your evaluation results once they are ready for review. This email will be sent approximately three weeks after grades are due.

    You may also access the results of past terms (beginning with Fall 2018) through EvaluationKIT. Select the appropriate term under Project Results:


    This will bring you to a screen to select the evaluation results you would like to download. You can select these results under Reports on the right side. Generally, you will want to select the “Short Report with Comments.”


    For Evaluation results from earlier terms:

    2016年夏季- 2018年夏季:

    联系凯蒂·施罗德 institutionalresearch@chertok-film.com 为了得到这些结果.

    2004年秋季- 2016年夏季:

    1. 登录到 MyDU.
    2. 选择教师选项卡.
    3. Under Course 和 Teacher Evaluations, click Course 和 Teacher Summaries.